Model Alignment & Updates


Align geometries (generic geometries or Pollination geometries) to elevation reference lines. Non-planar faces will be triangulated.


  • Threshold

    A distance tolerance for how far away from each grid line that a vertex should be affected and snapped to. Default 10x of document tolerance.

  • Angle Tolerance

    A degree number from 0 to 360 to filter each input geometry edges that have a angle difference from the grids. Input -1 to disable checking the angle tolerance. Default to the current document angle tolerance.

See Also


Align geometries (generic geometries or Pollination geometries) to a grid system. Non-planar faces will be triangulated.


  • Threshold

    A distance tolerance for how far away from each grid line that a vertex should be affected and snapped to. Default 10x of document tolerance.

  • Angle Tolerance

    A degree number from 0 to 360 to filter each input geometry edges that have a angle difference from the grids. Input -1 to disable checking the angle tolerance. Default to the current document angle tolerance.

  • Snap Corners

    snap all vertices within the range of threshold to a closest corner (end point), instead of perpendicular to the grid lines.

See Also

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Rebuild all 2D plan curves by aligning them to Rhino grid.


  • DeleteInputs

    Delete the selected planar curves.

  • Threshold

    Minimum dimension of the offset to apply. Default 0.1.


  • All curve geometries' end points will be snapped together based on current model's tolerance.

See Also


Align geometries (generic geometries or Pollination geometries) to a target room. Non-planar faces will be triangulated.


  • Threshold

    A distance tolerance for how far away from each grid line that a vertex should be affected and snapped to. Default 10x of document tolerance.

See Also


Swap selected apertures and doors. All properties (modifier, construction, ventilation opening, etc) from the original geometries will be kept.

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Analysis 2D plans (curves) and visualize non-orthogonal geometries based on a reference plane.


  • Custom Plane

    Set a custom plane by two points (X axis). Default is a World XY plane.

  • Angle Tolerance

    A degree number from 0 to 360 used for non-orthogonal checks. A perfect orthogonal geometry means 90 degree from a base axis when angle tolerance is set to 0. Increase the angle tolerance would consider lines orthogonal within a range of 90 +- the angle tolerance. Default 0.01.


  • The results are non-orthogonal lines.


Enter editing mode for a selected room or orphaned object. It is same as double clicking the geometry.


Modify Honeybee properties for selected objects.


Embed all user's custom resources from the local library folder, so that this 3dm contains all resource objects and you can share this file without worrying about the missing resource objects on the other machine.


Extract 2D plans from solid. New added curves contain original solid heights which can be used directly in PO_Extrude2DPlans command.


  • DeleteInputs

    set to true to delete input geometries.

  • SimplifyCurves

    set to true to simplify the generated curves and convert it to polylines.


Extrude 2D plans (curves) to solid Breps based on height data. A default height will be used if curves do not contains height information.


  • GlobalHeight

    set a number for the height of extrusion globally. If the UseLocalHeightIfAny option is set to true and there is height data found within geometry, then this global height will be ignored for this geometry individually.

  • UseLocalHeightIfAny

    set to true to use embedded height data that is stored within each curve if any as opposed to use the global height.

  • DeleteInputs

    set to true to delete input geometries.

  • SimplifyCurves

    set to true to simplify the generated curves and convert it to polylines.

Search globally and relink all child objects (Aperture and Door) with their host room object. Note that these child objects should be valid Aperture or Door objects and for unknown reasons that their host room failed to link them.


Generate reference grids for alignments based on input geometries

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Check all child objects (apertures and doors) of selected rooms to ensure they are coplanar with their host faces.


  • This command will automatically project the child geometry to its host's plane.

  • It is important apertures and doors are coplanar to get a valid energy and radiance model.


Use this command with caution!!! Purge the library of all user energy standards that it contains. This command calls 'honeybee-energy lib purge [OPTIONS]', see for more details.


Rebuild apertures and doors that are part of rooms (orphaned apertures and doors won't be processed in this command).


Remove all attached properties from selected geometries.


Removes short edges that have a length smaller than the minimum distance for selected solid geometries.

See Also


Reset an object's display name. You can also select partial room's sub-faces. Users can input any object's properties such as: Identifier, Story, DisplayName, etc., and format the new name as the following with the properties: {Story}_my new name {Identifier}

Find all objects' properties:


Reset a honeybee object's identifier and boundary condition. You can also select partial room's sub-faces for resetting boundary conditions.


  • ID

    Reset identifier criteria.

  • GenerateNewID

    Create a new ID randomly.

  • ByDisplayName

    Use display name as ID.

  • ByDisplayNameAndID

    It combines display name and random ID.

  • Face

    Yes to reset all faces' ID.

  • Room

    Yes to reset rooms' ID.

  • SensorGrid_View

    Yes to reset sensor grids' ID.

  • Validate

    Yes to run model validation after resetting.


  • All geometries' boundary condition will be reset to Outdoor, unless geometry touches the ground (0) and then it will be set to Ground.

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Reset all resource objects' identifiers across the entire model. If two objects of the same type have the same display_name, only one of them will be updated. This command calls 'honeybee-energy edit reset-resource-ids [OPTIONS] MODEL_FILE', see for more details.


Change geometry's construction with an inverted material order. Adjacent geometry will be updated with inverted construction at the same time if there is any.

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Export and save all resource objects from the current model to local user's resource library.


Update selected rooms's story by their elevation


Merge all apertures of a room and generate one aperture per face based on the original window-wall-ratio.

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Sync current model with a new updated Pollination model.

Last updated